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Core Therapy

The first step to recovery

You may be wondering what is "Core Therapy" and how can it help me?

Core Therapy is all about actively listening to the story to find the root cause of the problem. This is so important because by finding where it began, we can then work back up from there to remove any unwanted feelings that have become established along the way such as Low self-worth, fear, anxiety or trauma.

I work with clients to find the right treatment for their individual needs because everyone is different.


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About me


I am a qualified hypnotherapist, NLP and EMDR practitioner with a further qualification in The Human Givens rewind technique used for treating post traumatic stress disorder.

I am also a listening volunteer with Swindon Samaritans.

I specialise in helping people overcome anxiety, trauma, loss, phobias or any other issue that is preventing someone from living a rewarding life.

I have learnt so much from listening to  my clients and discovering which thought patterns and behaviours need attention to bring about positive change in their lives.

The passion to help others who are suffering with their mental health has come from a tragic loss that I suffered in 2013 when my partner took his life due to undiagnosed PTSD.

That day was the worst of my life but it also ignited a desire to become a therapist and find the answers to unlocking trauma.

What i have learnt is that anxiety and trauma are often the surface effect of a more deeply rooted underlying cause.

By accessing the core of the issue I can help to change the way my client feels, thinks and behaves

The overall effect can be incredibly uplifting and life changing.

By releasing the core of the problem along with the emotional response, clients find that their goals and aspirations seem more achievable.

Below you will find a list of the main services that I offer.

For more information I'm happy to arrange a free 20 minute consultation 


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Image by Lachlan Thompson

Trauma Therapy

When someone is living with trauma, they are having to deal with so much more than the memories of the original event. Trauma is about coping with the emotional and bodily reactions that everyday experiences throw up in the here and now. Things that seem to have no connection at all to the past can bring on a full blown panic attack. That's often the point when the sufferer feels they have lost all control of their mental health. It can feel like a very lonely place.
There is a way out
Trauma Release Therapy

Image by Milada Vigerova


Post traumatic stress disorder is best described as reliving an horrific event over and over again. In the moment it can feel like it is actually happening in the here and now.
Living a normal life can seem almost impossible.
Treatment for PTSD is very achievable and can be done content free, allowing the client to work on the memory without having to openly talk about it during therapy.

Image by Flash Dantz


A true phobia is an immediate unconscious and extreme reaction to something.

Just the thought of the phobia causes immense fear and uncontrollable body trembles.

The impact can be completely debilitating and life restricting.

Treatment can take as little as 2 sessions and the results are permanent. 

Image by Dekler Ph

Anxiety and panic attacks

A panic attack is a sudden feeling of intense fear that triggers severe physical reactions when there is no real danger or apparent cause.

 During a panic attack, it may feel like you are losing control, having a heart attack or even dying.

Many people experience just one or two in their lifetimes, and the problem goes away but recurrent, unexpected panic attacks coupled with the fear of another attack becomes debilitating and can significantly affect quality of life. 

Chronic anxiety and panic disorders occur when the fight or flight mechanism of the brain gets stuck on high alert.

Successful treatment involves tracing back to the root cause and correcting the faulty programme.

Image by Mathew MacQuarrie

Quit smoking

If you have a burning desire to kick the habit of smoking for good then hypnosis is the treatment for you.

Its fast and extremely effective in realising the habit of smoking and the addiction to nicotine.

Treatment consists of 2 x 1 hr sessions, tailormade to fit the client perfectly.


Image by Jeremy McKnight

Setting yourself free

Therapy is a journey between the client and the therapist. No two journeys are the same.
My philosophy is to treat each client as an individual, discovering what it is that is holding them back from living a fulfilling life and the best way to make the changes needed.
I work on results.
Treatment can be content free to avoid having to relive anything traumatic or upsetting.
I'm a firm believer that therapy should be as pain free as possible

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"Sue was fantastic, my phobia of spiders has completely gone.


Sue is by far one of the best Hypnotherapists and NLP Practitioners in the business with such amazing skills in helping me overcome Trauma.


I had an eating disorder and an extreme fear of eating certain things. I hadn't eaten cheese in over 20 years. After one session with Sue my life has opened up and I feel free to eat whatever I fancy. Cheese is top of the list.


I was anxious about being in traffic and would go into panic in traffic jams, especially on the motorway because it made me feel trapped. I'm completely calm in the car all the times now.

Sue is truly gifted in change work.


When you suffer from PTSD, life closes in. This is what happened to me. I felt like my choices were getting fewer and fewer. I felt unsafe going outside.

The treatment I received from Sue has given me my life back, thank you.

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Book an Appointment

Initial 20-minute consultations are free via zoom or phone call.

The initial contact is a great way to discover how you connect with your therapist and if you feel they are right for you.

To get in touch you can either fill in the form below or give me a call.

Core therapy: tel 07918617988


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